We offer a full service

You are welcome to our service shop, where you can get the most appropriate car maintenance and repair solutions, if necessary, we will provide advice


Our services

Choose the service you need

Car diagnostics
In order for a service technician to be able to perform correct and high-quality car repairs, it is necessary to perform initial diagnostics. When purchasing a car, we recommend to perform a full car diagnostic
Air conditioner recharge
We carry out defects, recharge and repair of the air conditioner system.
Engine repair
We perform a full range of engine repair and maintenance according to the standards set by the manufacturer
Transmission repair
We repair and maintain manual, automatic and robotic gearboxes according to the standards set by the manufacturer. We offer our customer to install new / refurbished flywheels and clutch kits
Running gear repair

We perform repair of running gear, brake system and car damping. We offer our customer to install new / refurbished steering equipment
Exhaust system repair
Soot filter (DPF) washing
Professional cleaning of soot filters (DPF) / catalysts, replacement or repair of EGR valves
Intake system repair
Cleaning of intake manifold and engine head intake ducts
Wheel alignment
We carry out wheel alignment check andadjustment or toe / camber / caster check and adjustment
Tire mounting / balancing
We carry out tire mounting, balancing and, if necessary, we can store your car's tires until the next tire change season.
Fuel system repair

We perform fuel system diagnostics / repair. Repair / replacement of diesel fuel nozzles and high-pressure pumps
Electronic control unit (ECU) programming
We perform car engine EGR and AdBlue system repairs and programming, as well as ChipTuning - increasing car power

Who are we?

SIA PRORING Latvia was founded on November 13, 2013. The company activities are divided into two main areas:

Car service

The mission of car service is to perform quality car repairs according to the standards set out by the manufacturers.

Production workshop is divided into several departments:
Metalworking department - turning / milling / welding / balancing and construction
Industrial washing department -
high pressure and ultrasonic washing
Refurbishment Department -
flywheel and clutch refurbishment | refurbishment of steering equipment | engine block, head diagnostics and repair

In 2018, we have implemented modernization measures to reduce the amount of hazardous substances used. The measures are implemented with the help and support of the Baltic Environmental Forum from the project "Baltic Pilot Measures to Reduce Emissions of Hazardous Chemicals through Substitution and Resource Efficiency" (LIFE14 ENV / LV / 000174), co-financed by the European Union LIFE Program and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund administration.

Apply now

Fill in the application form and our car repair expert will contact you shortly. If necessary, you can upload a file.

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Biežāk uzdotie
jautājumi un atbildes

Pirmie simtomi nolietotam spararatam

Graboņa, dzinēja vibrācija stāvot (galvenokārt aukstam dzinējam piedarbinot līdz dzinējs uzsilst), gan paātrinoties, ir simptomi, kas liecina ka spararats vairs savu funkciju nepilda.Biežos gadījumos cilvēki šiem defektiem nepievērš uzmanību un turpina lietot auto. Defekta laicīga nenovēršana bieži vien bojā arī dzinēja un ātrumkārbas balstiekārtu kā arī pašu ātrumkārbu. Nereti demontējot sajūga komplektu un spararatu tiek atklāts arī ātrumkārbas defekts, jo vibrācijas ir palielinājušas slodzi uz ātrumkārbas primāro asi.

Pirmie simtomi bojatai stures reika

Pirmie siptomi, kurus sajūt vai pamana autovadītājs ir brīvkustība stūres ratā, eļļas noplūde no stūres mehānisma/ reikas, klaboņa no automašīnas priekšpuses. Ilgstoši lietojot automašīnu ar bojātu stūres iekārtu riskam tiek pakļauti arī citi mezgli, kā piemēram, stūres stieņi un to uzgaļi, stūres pastiprinātāja sūknis un stūres kardāna pārvads.

Pirmie simtomi, kas liecina par aizsērējušu kvēpu filtru

Teksts vēlāk


Service address:
Latgales iela 349, Rīga, LV-1063
Working hours
Monday - Friday - 8:00 - 18:00
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Privacy policy
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